About Wooden Shoe
Our Farm, Its History & How We Give Back
As a multi-generational business, we take pride in preserving our agricultural heritage.

Farm History
Iverson Family Farms started with newlyweds Ross & Dorothy Iverson purchasing the farm in 1950, shortly after their marriage.
They grew a variety of crops over the years, raising six children as well and installing the love of the land and farming in all of them.

Over the years, the farm has grown a diversity of crops including potatoes, green beans, sweet corn, nursery stock and more.
Four of the children, Steve, Nels, Ken and Paul, returned to the farm after college to expand the farm.
Barb returned after working in the nursery industry with her uncle for ten years. All this allowed a diversification of jobs and crops on the farm.

Giving Back
We believe in sharing the beauty of our farm with our guests as well as our community.
As a family we were instilled with the trait to do what’s right. Dad served on the local soil and water conservation district for over 25 years as well as the local volunteer Fire Department for decades. Mom also volunteered at the local school and served on the local hospital board of directors.
Growing up with this guidance, each of us six kids felt the responsibility to nurture all the parts of our farm and community. It is in serving others that one really lives, we are so fortunate to have a farm and flowers that bring so many people together.