Vicki Iverson Memorial Blood Drive
Donate blood in honor of Vicki Iverson
Celebrate life and make a difference by giving blood. Blood is needed for many different kinds of patients. It could be a young child with a rare blood disorder, a family member fighting cancer, or a friend involved in a car accident. Please schedule an appointment to donate at this special blood drive. You’ll feel good knowing you’ve helped change the lives of patients in need.
Ninety-One School Blue Gym
5811 S Whiskey Hill Rd Hubbard, OR 97032
To schedule an appointment please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit
Sponsor Code: VickiIverson
Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.
Come give April 1 to 13 for $15 Gift Card (email) plus chance to win $5K prize. See